Sunday, April 29, 2007

Fun at the Beach!

Maddox had quite a few firsts this week. We took him to Lebanon Hills Park this week where he got to play with sand and put his feet in the water for the first time.

Maddox absolutely loved to pick up hands full of sand and squish his feet in it.

Angie & Rowan also came over on Friday and we went to the park. It was a rough week because Rowan's been sicks, so we were quite lonesome all week. It was fun to see them Friday and we're definitely going to get together more this week.
Rowan had fun playing at the park, going down the slides, and playing with rocks. He also made a mess of his outfit, so he had to borrow one of Maddox's rompers.
Maddox decided to take his morning nap at the park.
Senior Prom! - My cousin Bradi had her senior prom on Saturday. As usual, I was on hair duty for the girls. Don't they look great! Love you Bradi!
"I'm sorry mommy - I'm just not ready for solids yet!" Maddox tried some banana and rice cereal this week. Let's just say we're going to wait a while yet. He had fun playing with the spoon though.


Bonnie said...

Oh what wonderful pictures of Maddox and Rowan with their cute hats. They are going to be real buddies. So glad you live close enough to get together so often....a real bonding for the boys. Fun to see.
Love, Bonnie

Jenna and Andy said...

Oh I just love him so much! He is such a cutie. We had a great time on Sunday! Love you guys!

The O'Malleys said...

Haha, that last picture really makes me question if he even got any of the cereal in his mouth! I love the pictures taken at the beach..too cute, espeically with the hat on!! He's growing up so fast!! Glad to see that everything is going well...take care...luv Anne