Sunday, April 15, 2007

Look at my new wagon!

At the Boogie to Beat Breast Cancer fundraiser we had on Saturday, Maddox had the highest bid for the Radio Flyer Wagon. We even put him in it at the end to deter people from bidding. I think he's going to like that this summer for sure!
Here they are again in all their cuteness! We all got together at Nicole's for Amy's baby shower - she's due in 4 weeks! Belen (14 weeks), Maddox (almost 6 months), & Ellery (almost 7 months) all snuggled in together for a picture. We were actually able to get them all to look at the camera at the same time, well, after about 25 pictures.

Maddox and Ellery have taken quite a liking to each other and Ellery can hold her own even though Maddox is about twice the size of her. She's pretty tough because she has a 2-year-old brother, Caleb, to toughen her up.

Corey & I have taken a liking to giving Maddox inappropriate things and seeing what he does with them. Here are some of our favorite shots. (Don't worry - the Coke can and the chocolate soy milk aren't really open.)
We finally broke down and got Maddox a professional haircut. His hair was just getting ridiculously long on top and the sides weren't exactly keeping up.
He sat still for the whole thing!
He even relaxed with one of Ame's twin boys to watch a little television while Corey and I got our own haircuts.
Craptastrophy! Maddox is still pretty good at having the occasional blow-out. Here's a bath-requiring moment.

All better! Maddox has changed a lot over the past week or so. He now has some pretty defined babble going on. He does a good ba, ba, ba and wa, wa, wa. I'm trying to get the mama in before the dada, but we'll see. He's so well coordinated now with grabbing for things and hanging on to them. He's also entertained by dropping them and watching mommy and daddy pick them up. He still fake coughs constantly and that tongue is going to dry up soon if he doesn't get it back into his mouth. We haven't had socks on him lately because his cankles just push them right off, so he's enjoying eating his chubby toes. He's sleeping so well now. He goes to bed around 8-8:30 and sleeps until 5, nurses, and goes back to sleep until about 7. I'm liking that whole routine! He seems to be more interested in food/eating now, so I think we'll be trying solids sometime soon with him. Almost 6 months, I can hardly believe it!

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