Sunday, April 01, 2007

Where's Grandma & Grandpa?

This weekend we spent at Grandma Michelle & Grandpa Rob's house and they weren't even home. We spent most of the weekend getting ready for a big upcoming event, Boogie to Beat Breast Cancer. Angie & I had to collect many silent auction items around Cannon Falls, while my parents were up at the cabin doing the same. We've gotten a lot of great stuff. Grandma & Grandpa did eventually come home Sunday evening and the kids were thrilled to see them. Thanks for letting us use your house!
Maddox is developing such an adorable personality! We went to a "Music Together" class at the Eagan Community Center on Saturday morning and Maddox was boogying down with all of the other kids. It was SO cute!
Maddox and Rowan got all snuggled in to watch The Jungle Book Saturday night. It's Rowan's new favorite movie. Angie & Kyle were out to dinner with friends so Corey, Scott & I held down the fort. Apparently, it doesn't matter how old you are, you still love to discover things with your mouth.
After getting Maddox and Rowan all ready for bed, I tried to get a picture of them together. They're wearing a set of Maddox's pjs that match all cute, but Rowan was not interested in entertaining his Auntie Heidi by sitting still for an adorable picture. Better luck next time.
Hi Daddy! I don't think I want you to take a nap on the couch.
We also enjoyed some wildlife up close and personal. There were 3 turkeys roaming the yard.
Since Maddox is sitting up so well now, we decided he could sit in the bathtub. He absolutely loves it. He also likes to dive in and try to take a drink, so that makes bath time a little challenging.
He also loves to suck/chew on the wet washcloths. I did discover that he doesn't really like when you take things away from him. I took the wash cloth away to finish washing him up the other day and he all of a sudden threw a fit. I gave it back and he instantly stopped. I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. Usually you can take whatever he has away and he hardly notices.Hey Chubby! - I had to get a shot of this. We were getting Maddox ready for his bath, but had to wait for Uncle Scott to get out of the shower, so Maddox hung out in just a diaper for a while. Check out those legs!
Katie & Jeff came over for dinner and cards on Friday night. We made molten chocolate cake for dessert. The first time we made them we forgot an ingredient. The second time around Katie decided to see what her cake looked like on the floor.
Don't worry though, she applied the 5 second rule.

1 comment:

Michelle Lindell said...

Do you think Maddox will fit?

Heidi Sue