Sunday, August 27, 2006

32 weeks!

On August 19th, Corey & I hit the 32 week mark. We were up at the cabin for the week, but still had to take tummy pictures. My belly button is still trying to hold on strong, but I don't know if it's going to last until the end or not. This baby is growing a ton right now. It's moving a lot and shaking up my belly. Everyone had a blast watching it roll, punch, and kick around in there. You can even see it's butt potrude on the left side. It seems like it favors that side the most.

Birth classes are still going well. We have our last class this coming Thursday. We're looking forward to all of the upcoming showers. We have three in September along with two weddings. It's going to be quite a busy month. All we have left to do to the house is shampoo the carpets and we should be all set.

1 comment:

katie sjoblom said...

heidi, you are looking so wonderful!!! you seem so happy and excited! can't wait to see you soon. love you.
