Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Fifth Week - Thanksgiving at the Cabin!

Maddox is now 5 weeks old. Crazy how the time flies by. Maddox is smiling more and more and having longer alert periods. He's getting more interested in his little gym and bouncy chair. He still sleeps a lot of course, but that's fine. He sleeps 3-4 hour stretches at night which is a blessing since I've definitely needed the rest. We had a nice week with the family. Last Wednesday night we left Maddox with my parents for an hour and a half and went out to have a drink with friends. It was so wierd to be away from him for the first time, but he was in good hands. We got home two minutes after he woke up and wanted to eat. It went perfect.
Thanksgiving was fun. We went to my Auntie Tam Tam's house for lunch and then headed to Corey's Aunt Pat's house for dinner. We had to stop on the way to feed Maddox. When he's hungry he lets you know.
Corey's cousin Teddy just had a baby too, so we had to get side-by-side shots of the dads. Maddox out-weighs his little cousin by quite a bit.

Here's a typical scene of how Maddox likes to fall asleep. As most of you know, that's how I was as a baby for the first six months. Like mother, like son.

Snuggle Time!

We went to the Nisswa City of Lights Festival where we shopped, drank cider and hot cocoa, and watched the fireworks. Maddox came with too - he's in my mom's coat. We put him there after I had to feed him in a dressing room. It was quite the ordeal. Maddox woke up while we were shopping and screamed at the top of his lungs until I fed him. Quite embarrassing.

Auntie Val just couldn't resist, so she licked her hands and spiked Maddox's hair - oh so cute!

Rowan is warming up to his cousin more and more. After I changed Maddox's diaper, Rowan couldn't help but squeeze his chubby thighs and giggle afterward. It was so cute.

We also laid them down side-by-side and Rowan began to talk to him in baby talk. I'm pretty sure they had a very meaningful conversation.
Another week down and we're still surviving. I'm feeling better and Maddox is definitely thriving. I love being a mom!


katie sjoblom said...

heidi- you sound soooo happy! i'm glad you are feeling better, now you can really enjoy being a mom! we loved seeing him up at the cabin, can't wait to hold and kiss him again! have a wonderful sixth week.


Michelle said...

Wow! Heidi, I'm so impressed with the frequency with which you post about Maddox. I could take a lesson from you. I have only a 2 1/2 year old, and I still don't manage to post every week! I need to step it up.

Maddox is a gorgeous little boy. So glad to hear he's sleeping for a few hours at a time. That is like gold to a tired mom! You sound like you are doing so well. Congratulations on everything!