Monday, February 16, 2009

We did it!!!

Potty Learning - DONE!
Maddox, Corey & I spent the whole weekend hanging out at home making going pee and poo on the potty the most exciting big boy adventure ever and IT WORKED!!!
We packed up all of Maddox's diapers and bought all new undies. Can you believe the adorableness of Hanes Boxer Briefs? Love them!
Here was Maddox's post weekend success photo shoot to show everyone what a big boy he was.
He even has been pooing on the potty too! The deal was that after he pooped on the potty we would head out as a family and pick out a new toy for him for being such a brave big boy. We headed out last night to CVS and he picked out a basketball hoop and ball for his room.
He's been quite proud of himself and he's woken up dry for 3 days now with his underwear on all night. We jump and dance around and make it quite the hoopla!
Love this picture! Very JCrew for 2 year olds.
Oh, and do you notice his Guido - Pit Stop socks. He got to pick those out in the dollar isle at Target for asking to pee and making it to the potty in Target.
Ah yes, and he still loves to dress up in my shoes...


Angie said...

Really...done? He peed in his pants at my house twice last week. Are the accidents now over? If so...WOW!

Heidi Sue said...

I think anything taught is bound to have relapses, but for now success! Now it's going to be applying it successfully to traveling.

Jenna and Andy said...

Those pictures are adorable. Way to go Maddox!!

Too bad we're not in the market for some cloth diapers right now:)

Abbie said...

SO jelous!! I think Zabe is going to be 6 before he gets it down :) He just loves his diapers!