Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"Poyay" Update

This morning he saw the toilet and said "poyay". We put him on there and he really went this time. His whole morning pee in the toilet! Woohoo! I'd love to be done with diapers by 2.


Mindi Kay said...

That's such a HUGE accomplishment Maddox! Way to be a Big Boy! WOO HOO!! He's so smart, I love it! :) Keep it up buddy!

Nancy, Jeff, Connor & Porter said...

What a big boy! Good luck with the potty.

Thanks for catching my Connor/Porter slip-up! Wait until you have 2!!

BTW, the mouth sores kind of sound like Hand and Mouth disease. Connor had it when he was 7 mos old and it was miserable!! We mixed a combination of maalox & benadryl and that really helped. Did you go to the doctor?


Heidi Sue said...

Funny, we just left from seeing Dr. Saxton and she said the same thing with Maalox & Benadryl. We're going to try that tonight and see how it works. Tylenol just doesn't seem to take away the burn/discomfort of them. She thought it was Herpes 2 or 6 (different than cold sores), so we'll see. She also said 5-7 days from the start of them and then they get better. We're at the 7 day mark today, so here's to hoping!