Oh, it's 4:32am and I'm up because I just feel so terrible. I wish I knew what was up with Maddox. He seemed just great all day long. He played and was his usual spunky self. Then at 2:30am he woke up wanting to nurse, so I pulled him into me and he nursed. He just felt HOT! He nursed okay, but had such a stuffy nose. Then he snapped off and started coughing/gagging. We sat him up quickly and he threw up all over. I took his temp and it was 102.3 axillary. We got some oral tylenol in him and Corey headed to Walgreens to fill a prescription we got on Wednesday for Amoxicillin. Dr. Saxton thought Maddox was definitely getting over a virus, but she gave us the antibiotic prescription because he had an infected ingrown fingernail on his pointer finger that she said was on the border of needing antibiotics. She said to soak it (which I was doing at naptime and bedtime) and watch to see if it gets better over a day or two. If not, start the antibiotics. Anyhoo, it looks about the same as it did on Wednesday, but it's opened up more now and I thought it seemed better.
I called the nurse line and he said we should probably start the antibiotics because the fever could be related to the finger. He also said if it was a virus the fevers usually only last 48-72 hours and then taper off, so at this point the antibiotics can't hurt since it's been over a week. He also said to make an appointment for him in the morning to be seen today and call back or go to the ER if he's completely lethargic, dehydrated or spikes a temp over 104.
It's so sad because this is his first time needing antibiotics! Poor little guy. He hardly will take oral tylenol. Wish us luck!
After I got off the phone, Maddox threw up the tylenol. Then he got a Feverall suppository to take care of the temp and the amoxicillin when Corey got home (5 freakin' mls, I hope that stays down!). It's so wierd because after that he was goofy, playing with toys, and seemed just fine. Just a little warm. It's just so bizarre because it's been since last Tuesday that's he's done this on and off. What the heck does he have? I feel like I'm missing something. I guess we'll see what the doctor has to say later today.
He still hasn't eaten anything since last Tuesday besides a few freeze-dried banana & mango bites Wednesday night. I was hoping that since he seemed interested Wed night that we were definitely on the home stretch, but we're back to exclusively nursing. I think we're going to have to skip the weekend festivities. Hopefully Maddox will be better for Christmas! Okay, Corey & Maddox are sleeping, so I better get some rest while I can. After I shampoo the carpet that is!
8:13am - UPDATE - Well, it's official, Maddox now has the stomach flu. He woke up at 6:30 and threw up. He's thrown up 4 times since then. I called the nurse line back and they said it definitely sounds like something new and the stomach flu is going around and kids have been throwing up for the first 12 hours or so. Poor baby! Merry Christmas to Maddox. Hopefully he'll feel better by next week. We're going to lay low over the weekend at our lovely apartment.