Thursday, October 05, 2006

38 weeks!

On Saturday, September 30th our baby was 38 weeks! Wow, the time is flying. We're all ready though. I had my last shower with my Cannon Falls friends on Thursday, Sept. 28th, so things are taking shape. This baby is going to be all decked out for sure.
My family came up for dinner on the 27th and we lounged around for the night eating pizza. It was quite relaxing in between contractions. I've been having contractions on and off now for two weeks. Who knows when they will start to pick up and be the real thing.
The baby is definitely growing, but at my last doctors visit on October 3rd (Katie Ann's birthday), the baby measured only 37 weeks because it's starting to drop more now.
My belly button finally popped out and everyone says that "this turkey is done", so hopefully soon I will be posting some of the first pictures of our new little baby, YAY!


Michelle said...

Heidi and Corey,
We are waiting with bated breath to hear of the newest arrival to the family. Can't wait to see pictures of your bundle of joy! We'll be checking the blog often to hear when your baby is born!

Angie and Kyle said...

Dude, are you having a baby or a basketball?!

Guess it won't be born on my birthday. Maybe Rowan's!

I just hope s/he gets here soon! I can't wait to be an auntie!!
