Tuesday, September 26, 2006

37 weeks!

On Saturday, September 23rd we were officially considered full-term at 37 weeks! It was quite exciting because on the unit I work and want to deliver we only take people who are 37 weeks and beyond. Now I can deliver with my co-workers, yay! I feel like my belly (aka baby) has gone through quite a growth spurt. It feels like my belly is getting tighter every day. I'm not sure how much more it can stretch. I'm feeling good though and all the doctor appointments have gone well.
Last week at 36 weeks my cervix was just barely open - what we call fingertip, 70% effaced and at a -1 station, which was actually pretty good. I was just happy it wasn't closed and really thick. This week I was dilated to 1 1/2 centimeters, 80% effaced, and at a 0 station, so the baby has moved down and the contractions I have had over the last week have been doing something. I know it's just a lot of jibber jabber to most of you, but those who have had babies know what I'm talking about.
Well, the car seat is officially installed in my brand new Toyota Prius - I just picked it up tonight and it's just supergreat! It's so spacious and environmentally friendly - great combo.

We also put together the stroller, which didn't take too much. The pack 'n' play is all put together too. It's going to be our bassinet in our bedroom for a while until we want to put the baby in the crib.

All-in-all, things are coming together and I think we're pretty ready for this baby to come out whenever it's ready. WE CAN'T WAIT!

1 comment:

katie sjoblom said...

heidi, you look so good! i can't wait either. i'm so glad you hit the full term mark with no complications, good job to you! i can't wait to visit with you and your new baby in the hospital. hurry up! see you soon. love and kisses to you and corey.
