Saturday, July 22, 2006


Well, I'm pretty sure this little baby likes to have the hiccups now and I can actually feel it. It's so wierd cause I think it's a little kick and then all of a sudden it keeps going in a rhythmic fashion. I put my hand on my belly and you can actually feel the little jerks the baby makes with each hiccup. It's super cute. Last Monday I called Corey to tell him. We were both pretty excited.

I'm 28 weeks now, which means if my baby were born now it would do pretty good and the survival rates are high. It's a nice milestone to hit. I bought a dress today for all of the upcoming weddings. I'm hoping it will last until I'm 36 weeks for Mindi's wedding, but we'll have to see. I don't know how big I'm going to get, so here's to hoping.

We're hoping to paint this week or next, so Katie, I may need to call you. I'm excited to get going on that and get the rest of the shelving in the closet (Dad, you're ready, right?). Then, we're pretty much ready. I do want to shampoo the carpets too. Anyone have any great ideas for cleaners to use?

It's soon time to kick Molly & Cooper (our cats) out of our bedroom. We've made August 1st the first move. We're going to put their cat beds in the loft, but leave the door open. Then September 1st, we're going to start shutting the door. It's going to be so hard cause we're so use to having them in there and I think they're going to be sad, like we're kicking them out. We want to do it now though, so they don't feel like the baby comes home and they're second best. Wish us luck!


katie sjoblom said...

heidi, your baby is cute already! can't wait to see him/her! hope your monkey baby is adorable. 28 weeks is a big milestone, great job mom. you are really chugging along with this pregnancy. i can't believe it.

call me when you are ready to paint, i will be there. as long as it is not pink, i will love it!

see you soon, love katie

Heidi Sue said...

Don't worry, it's going to be a neutral beige that matches both the boy and girl bedding that we picked out. I'll show you the pillows when we make a plan.

Heidi Sue

Michelle said...

How fun for you both! I don't remember Mira having hiccups, would be a very strange sensation I think. While I'm sure it will be hard to get the cats out of the room, it's the right thing to do. Your baby will sleep safer that way and you'll avoid the jealousy issues with them. Good luck! They'll be fine.