Sunday, July 02, 2006

Baby's First Vacation

We took the little squirt on his/her first vacation in sunny Fort Myers, Florida with Mandi & Ryan. We stayed with Mandi's grandpa, Don. It was filled with a lot of eating, lounging in the sun, and relaxing in the pool & Gulf of Mexico.
Of course, I needed to get an umbrella for the weekend in order to prevent any burning. I don't exactly get a golden tan.

Corey had quite a spendy mishap. He decided he would wear his wedding ring in the Gulf while playing football. Needless to say, the ring disappeared. He still has the tan line to prove he is married, but now we have to replace it.
It was a fun trip. We can't wait to take the baby on an actual vacation outside of the womb. Only 3 1/2 months or less!


Michelle said...

What great photos! I'm so glad you had a nice vacation. I love to lounge by the water, and I always am under an umbrella as well. Who needs wrinkles? I also have the famed "Lindell skin." Hopefully Mira doesn't have that fate. Enjoy the rest of this summer.

I feel bad Corey lost his ring! Chris thought he lost his once and he found it in his sock a couple days later.

katie sjoblom said...

jeff lost his ring too! we are actually in the process of getting insurance money to replace his. silly boys!

florida looks like it was sooo fun! your last peaceful vacation! can't wait to see you soon and rub your belly. it is getting bigger, yeah!

love you, katie