Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Baby's First Christmas

Yes, I know it's taken me a while to get this post up, but this week has been quite hectic. Maddox is another week older - 9 weeks to be exact - and he's still growing leaps and bounds. He hasn't quite found his left fist yet, but we're working on it. He's grasping things more and trying to bat at things with his fists. He's cooing and talking more and more with me. Smiles are still constant.

Amy, a friend from work, came over last week to tell us that she is expecting a boy this coming May. Maddox can't wait to have a little buddy to push around.
I breastfeed Maddox on my side a lot - he's a lot of weight to hold up all the time. Here's a "I'm quite full mommy" picture.
As a mom, you definitely learn to multi-task. Here's a shot of snuggling with Maddox, eating dinner and trying to love up Molly, who doesn't exactly get as much attention anymore.
Last Friday, we headed to Grandma Michelle & Grandpa Rob's for the weekend to celebrate Christmas.
It's amazing how entertaining a diaper change can be.
Saturday morning we went to Great Grandma Adeline's house for our Christmas celebration on that side. Here's a picture of some of the great grandchildren (and some of their moms). I think we're missing at least five or more and we're expecting two more early next year. Keep the babies coming.
Santa Claus comes to visit every year too. Maddox just slept right through it. Maybe he'll like it next year.
After that we went to Great Auntie Kris' house for my mom's side of the family. Maddox had enough steam to last the whole day with smiles, coos, and more. He just loved his Great Aunt Tam Tam.

Maddox got his very first motorcycle from his big cousin Eric. Hopefully he'll be better at it than his daddy. Corey's not exactly skilled in that department. Let's just say he's taken a few tumbles in the past.
Saturday morning was our annual "Dirty Christmas". Yes, that's right. We all wake up at my parents house, eat breakfast, stay in our PJ's and open presents. This year I did have to take a shower though. I woke up quite covered in milk. I must have fallen asleep & fed Maddox, but he wasn't participating.

Maddox was the first to open and got his big kid car seat. It will be much needed since he's growing so fast. It's almost impossible to carry him in the smaller car seat.
Poker with the boys. Scott got a poker set for Christmas, so the boys spent hours and hours playing.
Grandma Michelle had just the right touch to get Maddox to sleep all weekend. He just loved snuggling and I think Grandma enjoyed it too. He even slept on her through half of The Davinci Code

Santa Claus came to Grandma & Grandpa's house and filled all of our stockings with lots of fun stuff! Then we went to Grandma Jane & Grandpa Chuck's house where Santa Claus came too. Crazy how many places he comes for little babies.

The Children's Museum - This past Wednesday Scott, Angie, Kyle, Rowan Corey, Maddox, & I went to the Children's Museum and had a blast.
Maddox had the most fun in the Habitot room where he could look in mirrors, slide down the slide, and talk to the stuffed animals.

It was another great week with this little guy. It just amazes me how fast he's changing and how much more he can do every day.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

15lbs 11oz - WOW!

Yes, that's right. My child is 15lbs 11oz. He is still not back on the growth charts exactly, but he is 75th percentile for height at 23 inches and head at 16 inches. He's super healthy and doing great.

Corey decided to try to stand him up at the back of the couch today too. He couldn't hold his weight obviously and dropped down like a sumo wrestler.

Here's us at the doctor's office getting ready to get weighed.
Here's the "Tank" on the scale. He's getting a little big for it, eh?
Then he got all checked out with the finale being 3 shots, ouch!
He wasn't very happy following that and needed a little mommy time.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Eight Weeks - I'm HUGE!

Maddox is eight weeks old now and getting more fun every day. He's sleeping 4-5 hour stretches during the night (much needed since we're both big sleepers - I use to depend on 9-10 hours a night/day). I'm still battling Thrush, so that's been a struggle, but we're getting there.

We put up our Christmas tree the other day to make our house a little more festive.
Corey gave Maddox his first bottle of breast milk last Wednesday and he took it like a champ...
...but afterward he needed a little mommy time. Well, I needed it anyway.
Maddox got his mommy's skin - it's quite sensitive.
Tummy time is still not his favorite thing yet. He'd rather be held or on one of our chests instead of the floor, but he can definitely lift that big head of his.
The new discover - His Fist! He just found it the other day and can't take his eyes off of it. Just the right one though. I don't think he knows about the left yet. Maybe next week.
I'm not sure why this one keeps uploading upside down, but it's just another fist picture.
We headed down to Harmony, MN for my cousin Justin and new cousin Mandy's wedding on Saturday. It was a long drive for Maddox, but he did great.
He wasn't so sure about the dance though. I think it was a little loud for his taste. He didn't want to get down and bogey with his little cousins yet.
Christmas on Corey's side
We went over to Grandma and Grandpa's for Christmas on Sunday because Jenna & Andy will be heading out on their honeymoon Christmas weekend.

We head to the doctor tomorrow for Maddox's two month check-up, so I'll post tomorrow with an updated weight and length. I'm sure he'll continue to top the charts!