Alright already, I gave in a trimmed up Maddox's hair. He sat nice and still and watched Elmo. What a great sport, eh?

Here's Maddox patiently waiting for Grandma & Grandpa B to pick us up to go out for dinner. I think he's a little sick of the paparazzi mother.

A little sass...

The best $1.00 spent! Maddox and I found the cutest thing in the dollar isle at Target the other day. They had a plant your own Christmas tree pot. How cute is that? Maddox had a blast planting his very own Christmas tree and it's just his size.

All done!

Now we just have to wait for it to grow.

Doh! Uncle Scott was a terrific sport over Deer Camp weekend and played with Maddox for over an hour. Play
Doh can be so much fun!

Deer Camp! Here's the crew this year: Brian, Corey, Drew, Scott, Maddox and Robby (my dad). I'm the one obviously taking the picture...

...and here's the cook doing the dishes (thanks for all the yummy food Mom).

Isn't this picture great!

Here's Maddox bidding Brian a farewell with a hand shake.
Of course, Drew got one too.

Daddy's deer! Maddox was quite proud of his daddy and the "Big Buck" as he proceeded to talk about all day.
It's butchering time!
The whole crew just before we got to work.

After we got the chops out I cut them up and cooked them right there just like my Grandpa
DuBar did every year. I don't know if I did as good of a job as
Gramps, but I did my best. I miss you

Well, yes, my dad has a torch. He was torching off the stray hairs that were clinging to the meat.

We ended up with lots of meat in the freezer and lots of deer sticks made up by Greg's Meats - DELICIOUS!
Well, that's all that's new around hear, so we hope everyone has a terrific Thanksgiving!!!