Maddox is now 7 months old. He has 3 teeth - almost 4, but that upper left one hasn't quite popped through yet. He's on the verge of crawling, rolls everywhere and tries to pull up on everything. He's still
daing all day long and has now adopted some of Rowan's old favorite things to do. He'll still clap when you say "clap your hands". He now shakes his head to "no way" and "yes". He turns his head to the side or lays his head on something when you say "Oh, sweet baby". He also, for the first time tonight, tried to get me to eat his toy in the bath tub. He found it quite hilarious when I would bite down on his toy.

As you can see, Maddox has been practicing riding his first bike with Grandpa up at the cabin. We spent Thursday
thru Tuesday there and it was much more relaxing than when he was just a month old. He slept the whole way up and almost the whole ride home, so that was just perfect.

He might just be a basketball star yet.

Carpet on the patio? - yes that's right. My dad is fond of having everyone comfortable, so last summer when Rowan was little he had a nice, clean square of carpet to lay out on the patio. Now, Maddox gets to play on it too.

Maddox just loved to play ball with Grandpa. He also just cracked up when Uncle Scott would dance in the yard for him. They held the fort down while Corey & I went out for a nice dinner for our 3 year anniversary. Thanks!

Maddox is quite interested in faces lately. He loves to just reach out and check out everyone in his arms length.

My new fishing hat - Grandma got the boys matching fishing hats at
Gymboree for the summer. Aren't they just adorable.

Don't worry - Dad's in arms reach.

"Help! My bibs are too tight!" - Yes, Cousin Kelly, this outfit is just adorable, but Maddox's girth just can't be contained in it. We had to put in on though just to see how cute it is.

New toys! - Grandma & Grandpa just couldn't resist buying new toys for the cabin this summer.

Grandpa pulled out his old tricks of the trade. Maddox just becomes completely
mesmerized when Grandpa pulls him around on a blanket.


My own little chair!

I love prunes! - Maddox is eating quite a variety of fruits and veggies. He is usually interested once a day and takes 6-8 bites.

Here's Maddox trying out Grandpa's gavel - Grandpa is the president of the association.

Gypsy Mama Bali Breeze - Here's my new, terrific sling. It's just the best thing EVER!

Here's Maddox's new way of sleeping. He hasn't quite slept on his tummy yet, but almost.

Little Hunter Joseph! Here's Hunter in a basket all cute at Amy's house. Amy had a terrific idea to snuggle him all in it for a picture.

Then, of course, we had to try Maddox out in it too. Too cute!