Here's the upper half of the body. The dark area in the chest is the heart.
We had our 20 week ultrasound today. The baby's heart rate was 162 beats per minute and measured at exactly 20 weeks 3 days, which is right where I'm at. It's about the size of a sweet potato. Cute, eh? I didn't get any full body shots because I was trying not to see the lower half. I still want it to be a suprise. Corey and Angie watched intently trying to see what they could, but it was a little too high tech for them. All is going well now that I have new pants and capris that fit. It's kicking every day like crazy. Both mom and dad were able to feel the little kicks this weekend at the cabin, so that was fun. Angie and Corey have been for a couple of weeks now. It's so exciting! Corey and I decided we better get a move on with the baby's room and stuff since we haven't touched it yet. It's basically for storage now. With all the weddings and vacationing this summer it's going to be here it no time at all. Yay!